Marvel's Black Cat commission

These pictures are of a suit that I've made for someone else so it's a bit baggy on me because the customer is much taller than I am. I just had to try it on because I was so happy with how it came out and I think it makes for a better picture when you can see someone in an outfit even if it isn't perfect.

The customer commissioned just the black bodysuit in the style worn by Marvel's Black Cat, Felicia Hardy. I am not responsible for any of the accessories nor the fur trim which the customer will be adding later. So basically, I had it pretty easy but after having my confidence shaken a few times, I was nervous about delving back into taking commissions.

As usual, I used a Kwik Sew figure skating pattern as my base. I only had minor modifications for the leg length, neckline and front zipper. You can see me testing the neckline/cleavage in the picture to the right.

Here are my suggestions for the other elements of the suit if anyone else is looking to put one together (links naturally may break after original posting due other people's website dynamics):

Wig: I've switched from bestwigoutlet to because the prices are usually better; it's just harder to navigate around the site looking for color swatches but price usually wins. Plus cosworx is somehow related to which has a trading post/marketplace forum where you can find used and new wigs (and lots of other things).

Mask: I use Lance at for that; he offers the perfect mask for Black Cat or Ms. Marvel among all of his other work. I do find that ordering takes a long time so keep that in mind.

Variations: Sometimes Black Cat has white boots and white gloves with the fur; other times black. You can avoid getting fur installed on the legs if you purchase boots with santa style fur trimming:

This leaves fur for the gloves/sleeves and the collar.