Bonjour de Cannes!

Bonjour!!!! I am finally in France! I had a two day stop in London and I wish I could have brought you some photos.. but it rained everyday. Hard. So .. I bring you this beautiful scenery instead (Although, you are really beautiful too London).

Thought I would mix in some scenery too because My outfit is simple & breezy to cope with the hot sun here (I am trying to extend my summer.. obviously.. london you were COLD). It is only my second day in Cannes and I have about 12 more days here, so I will bring you many more photos. I will be traveling downtown tonight for the first time so I cannot wait to photograph it :)

Cannes this week, Monaco on Saturday, St. Tropez on Sunday ( I know, my life is difficult right now). So look forward to some posts coming! My beautiful roommate here has been so kind to agree to take my photos while in France, thank goodness. I will probably be starting non-outfit-photo posts too.. kind of like a travel diary! I hope that interests you all!

Dress: Mes Demoiselles Paris
Shoes: Prada
Bag: Madewell
