New Pin-Ups based on vintage styles with modern rockabilly edge

Ever since I realized there was a resurgence in the vintage pin-ups of the WWII era, I knew that I would eventually find a way to partake in the scene. The pin-up look is more than wardrobe. It’s hair, makeup, and setting. A perfect pin-up shoot embraces all of this like recreations of dark brunettes in diners or red lipsticked blondes saluting the soldiers.

So far, I've only done two retro inspired shoots, one in Pittsburgh and one recently in Ohio. If you go to and click the top menu for Photo Galleries, follow it to Glamour for both the shoots. All of the details about where I found the dress and shoes are explained there.

The photos by Jay Fife were done specifically for him to use as reference for his pencil/graphite illustrations. If you'd like Jay to create a custom commission piece from one of my photos or any other character you want, he's available for commissions right now. The picture below is one Jay did using one of our other photo sets from Halloween. He created me as the Bride of Frankenstein (that bleached out stripe in my hair is good for more than Rogue!) and he invented a hardcore steampunk scene inside the mad scientist's laboratory. This picture should be available as a print for the 2011 convention circuit.

Don't forget that you can join the AmberUnmasked Facebook Page which is easier than trying to get me to accept friend requests.