I get introduce art students to superheroes

I've been having a great time modeling at several art schools and colleges in my region. The instructor of one of the figure study classes was intrigued by my collection of costumes and asked me to bring one for the Tuesday class. This is a big departure from the figure modeling they're used to seeing. The students can use any medium.

Since I want to bring along something where I don't have to pack a ton of accessories, I'm just going to bring a generic suit along with a nice pair of boots. No wigs, belts, gloves, etc. This blue suit was made with the intention of selling it but I don't think a few hours of wear on a stage will degrade it in the least. It makes me think of the Ultimate Fantastic Four and Blue Lantern Corps. I really like it with the white go-go boots. I considered red ones but the white is a great contrast.

If you haven't checked, I've updated what I'm pretty sure is my 2011 convention schedule, http://www.amberunmasked.com/schedule/. I'm hoping that once my short stories are published I'll get to add some appearances at comic shops and book stores if there's any interest.