Alexander Wang to Balenciaga! Horror or optimism?

So, I know most of you fashion fiends have already heard the news.. American Designer Alexander Wang is heading to the fashion house of Balenciaga as creative Director after Ghesquière's exit today. I think this is exciting news. Wang is definitely in my top 5 for favorite designers and quite possibly my favorite American designer. Not to mention this is a huge honor/ milestone for the American Designer circuit..

Wang has huge mass market appeal, as opposed to Balenciaga's couture/ luxury branding.  As far as a market strategy goes.. I think it was pretty genius.  In my opinion, if anyone can build upon the beauty of Ghesquière's revival, Wang can do it with youthful, consumer-friendly zeal. My only reservations are that his new direction/vision will not be perceived well at the fashion house, or that this venture will affect his own brand (s). However, I have the utmost faith in him as a designer and really do not believe he would let Balenciaga fall.

I suppose one reason I am so optimistic is that I have always connected more with the realness and rawness of Wang. Not that I don't admire the beauty of Balenciaga, I very much do.

Most of the reading I have done on the subject has been mixed between horror and optimism.. not much middle ground. But I am curious to what you all think? Do you think that Wang will bring the new appeal that Balenciaga seems to desire? Is he too "New York" for Paris? Do you think his vision will negatively offset the luxury that Ghesquière so successfully built? Since Ghesquière was pretty much.. amazing.

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But so is this guy.