All I want for Christmas..!

Hi all! I am currently cuddled in a corner of finals week depression and am unfit for the world to see.. Also, I have the flu. So naturally I have been browsing the interwebs and looking at pretty things all day.. 

I am the kind of person who, when someone asks me what I want for Christmas/birthday/etc, I say "errr  I don't really want anything!!" This is entirely FALSE. I don't know why I compensate with that answer. I desire many things..

So I decided to put together a little Christmas list for you all.. maybe send some inspiration to my fellow indecisive-s. All links to the products are included.. If you have a wish list on your blog- let me know! I would love to look through them.

Best always, and I'll post a new look AND the start of a new giveaway within the next couple of days.. keep checking back!! xoxo!




Miscellaneous Things

5. This YSL beauty is just a dream to own.. but if anyone has any suggestions for a similar skirt... PLEASE SPEAK NOW :)
12. Macaron Box (these are sold out almost everywhere!!)
13. Canon EOS D60 - My ultimate wish :)

So, I hope you all garnered a little inspiration..if anyone wants my shipping address- don't hesitate to ask ;)

and remember.. if you have a list you want me to see.. leave me a comment!!