California Winter

It's a sad sad day when your favorite Levi's ripped shorts are becoming too ripped to function.. they provided me some great wear over the years.. but they are slightly transforming into ripped underwear haha. I am not the one for overly short-shorts so I suppose they will be retired soon.. tear. 
I figured I would give them a final hurrah because we have been having the most abnormally warm winter in Cinci (yes, winter!) Something simple and comfortable. Also, I have about 10 loads of laundry to do so I had to make something out of what I have left in my closet . 

This mint beanie is my absolute favorite (although now slightly rivaled by a pink one I picked up for Anthropologie the other day). I tried to smile a little bit in these because you always get those people who say "ohhh you really don't ever smile in your photos!" I guess I have just always been self-conscious because I have had a lot of mouth surgery since I was born without two of my front teeth.. weird, I know! But the good news is, this will finally be done in a couple of weeks and I'll have a beautiful new smile!! I  can't wait :)

Hippy Flower Top: Free People
Shorts: Vintage/ DIY
Mint Beanie: UO
Cleatas: Jeffrey Campbell


I hope you all are having a wonderful time doing your Christmas Shopping.. Remember there is still plenty of time to enter my INLOVEWITHFASHION Giveaway where you can win a dress of your choice!! 

I am picking the winner on Christmas day so I ask you please leave me a comment on this entry following the directions from the previous one! Thanks to everyone who has entered so far.. I love reading through them!!!

Much Love, Always